WWM Crafting
There are many things you can make with the WWM, Food, Drinks, Weaponry and healing items, you can trade or sell these items for things your need on the sim.
Location of WWM Crafting items:
Mushrooms: Mines
Fish: Docks of Iron Lake
Meat: Chickens outside town hall, Rabbits outside Church,
Bosk and Bison on various points of the sim
Tomatoes: General Store.
Apples: Pharmacy
Water: Lakes around Blackwater
Saloon: Various drinks for sale.
Milk: Betsy the Cow near the Town Stables.
Behind the Blackwater Pharmacy.
Coal and Ores
Located in the Blackwater Mines.
NPC Sellers
Saloon: Drinks Vendor.
General Store: Food Vendor
Trading post: Merchant Vendor
Town Stables: Blacksmith
Crafting locations
Workbench: Lumberyard
Furnace: Mines
Cook station: Hotel and Saloon
Mixture Station: Pharmacy
WW->NPC Animals
WW->Tarsk Primary 10 Flesh Secondary 1 Leather Resurrection interval 120s Secondary chance 20% Damage 9% Scan range 4.5m Attack rate 3s
WW->Bosk Primary 10 Flesh Secondary 1 Leather Resurrection interval 120s Secondary chance 20% Damage 9% Scan range 4.5m Attack rate 3s
WW->chicken primary 1 flesh secondary 1 feather
WW->Rabbit primary 1 flesh secondary 1 leather
Primary 1 Coal Ore Secondary 1 Sulfur Interval 15 Secondary chance 3%
Primary 1 Iron Ore Secondary 1 Mildew Interval 30 Secondary chance 15%
Primary 1 Tin Ore Secondary 1 Mildew Interval 45 Secondary chance 20%
Primary 1 Copper Ore Secondary 1 Nitre Interval 60 Secondary chance 8%
Primary 1 Silver Ore Secondary 1 S-Carbonate Interval 90 Secondary chance 10%
Primary 1 Gold Ore Secondary 1 S-Carbonate Interval 120 Secondary chance 15%
Iron Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Iron Ore|5 Amount = 1
Tin Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Tin Ore|5 Amount = 1
Bronze Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Tin Ore|1|Copper Ore|4 Amount = 1
Copper Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Copper Ore|5 Amount = 1
Silver Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Silver Ore|5 Amount = 1
Gold Bar Cost = Coal Ore|2|Gold Ore|5 Amount = 1
Blade Cost = Coal Ore|1|Tin Bar|1|Iron Bar|1 Amount = 1
AxeHead Cost = Coal Ore|1|Tin Bar|1|Iron Bar|1 Amount = 1
Blanks Cost = Coal Ore|1|Bronze Bar|1 Amount = 10
Knife Cost = Log|1|Blade|1|Blanks|1 Amount = 1
Axe Cost = Log|1|AxeHead|1|Blanks|1 Amount = 1
Trap Cost = Iron Bar|2|Rope|1|Cord|3|Log|1|Blanks|1 Amount = 1
Log Cost = Wood|5 Amount = 1
Cord Cost = Cannabis|2 Amount = 5
Rope Cost = Cannabis|5 Amount = 1
LockPick Cost = Iron Bar|1|Tin Bar|1 Amount = 1
Linen Cost = FlaxPlant|10 Amount = 5
DynamiteX1 Cost = Nitroglycerin|1|S-Carbonate|1|Sawdust|1 Amount = 1
DynamiteX3 Cost = Nitroglycerin|3|S-Carbonate|3|Sawdust|3 Amount = 1
Sawdust Cost = Log|1 Amount = 1
HerbageMix Cost = Water|1|Cannabis|2|Arnica|2|Helleborus|1 Amount = 1
AntiToxin Cost = Arnica|2|Penicillium|1|Water|1 Amount = 1
CureMix Cost = Penicillium|1|Water|1 Amount = 1
Penicillium Cost = Mildew|5|Corn|1|Water|1 Amount = 5
Bandage Cost = Linen|2 Amount = 5
Nitroglycerin Cost = Oil|1|Nitre|1|Methyl|1 Amount = 1
GunPowder Cost = Sulfur|3|P-Nitrate|1|Coal Ore|1 Amount = 1
Roast Cost = Flesh|1|Spicery|1|Potatos|1|Mushroom|1 Amount = 1
FishDish Cost = Fish|2|Spicery|1|Potatos|1|Tomato|1 Amount = 1
BakedFlesh Cost = Flesh|1|Spicery|1 Amount = 1
Soup Cost = Flesh|1|Spicery|1|Beans|1 Amount = 1
Ham&Egg Cost = Flesh|1|Egg|1|Beans|1 Amount = 1
Bread Cost = Meal|1|Yeast|1|Spicery|1 Amount = 1
PanCake Cost = Meal|1|Milk|1|Egg|1|Honey|1 Amount = 1
ApplePie Cost = Meal|1|Milk|1|Egg|1|Apple|1 Amount = 1
Bot WW->Merchant
Linen Cost = 10 Amount = 5
Wheat Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Corn Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Silver Bar Cost = 72 Amount = 1
Gold Bar Cost = 96 Amount = 1
DynamiteX1 Cost = 300 Amount = 1
DynamiteX3 Cost = 400 Amount = 1
Leather Cost = 40 Amount = 1
Bot WW->Inkeeper
Beer Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Whisky Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Wine Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Tequilla Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Tea Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Coffee Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Bot WW->Blacksmith
Iron Bar Cost = 24 Amount = 1
Tin Bar Cost = 36 Amount = 1
Copper Bar Cost = 48 Amount = 1
Bronze Bar Cost = 46 Amount = 1
Hammer Cost = 20 Amount = 1
Nails Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Bot WW->ShopMan
P-Nitrate Cost = 20 Amount = 1
Beans Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Potatos Cost = 10 Amount = 1
SewingKit Cost = 50 Amount = 5
Methyl Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Oil Cost = 10 Amount = 1
Yeast Cost = 10 Amount = 5
Meal Cost = 10 Amount = 5
Egg Cost = 10 Amount = 5
Honey Cost = 10 Amount = 5
Spicery Cost = 10 Amount = 5