Wild West Meter
The current meter version is WWM 1.37
To obtain the meter, simply click on the dispenser on any Wild West Sim, rez your box, unpack and add the two items, they both need to be worn for the meter to work.
"WW Hud - WWM 1.37"
Once you have the meter active you will notice is starts red, this is normal you can either seek an admin to reset your meter or simply wait and it will regenerate over time.
Click on the sheet portion of your meter to find your WW Information, here you can change your roles between human and animal or leave towns you have already joined.
If you are assigned a meter role to earn coins, you will need to detach and reattach your WWM meter both parts for it to show.
Once you have settled into that part click on the cogs to change your sounds between male / female. (default is male.)
The meter is a source of commerce on the sim and controls the coin function as well as your healing, this is why it is essential it must be worn at all times.