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Blackwater General IC Laws

Remember we are here role-playing a character, Keep the In Character and Out of Character separate.


 Simply because a persons character is mean, insulting, smelly or crazy does not mean the person behind the character is that, we all play a role in our own way, Please respect the unique individuality each person brings with there roleplay.


If you do feel like you are being targeted or there is a mis understanding please use Instant messages to clarify this, Nothing in local chat should be aimed at you only your character, that being said if someone is role-playing a hatred of your character then that is between you, if you feel that the remarks directed to you are more of a personal and out of character nature then please your Admins are always here to help. 

While this is an moderate sim it is also a role playing sim, players can expect In character consequences for there actions, Feeling a bit closed in and needing to streak through town, expect the law to chase you down. 

Sex acts are to be kept to brothel and saloon rooms only same with nudity, If you get caught you can not declare you are OOC when you are the one exposing yourself in public, with the inclusion of child avatars if players are nearby of young age, please move your emotes to Instant Messages. 

Exceptions to these are private homes that are rented, OOC sexual acts may occur within, it shouldn't need to be said that no child avatar should be within 40 meters. 

Anyone using OOC to get out of IC consequences will be subject to those consequences no matter what. 

Rape is permitted in Blackwater, however it must be a consented action, meaning you must have the OOC agreement between two players, (this may be asked for to verify by admins should a dispute arise), without this agreement you may be subject to a ban

2a: Things to note: 
Rape is never an out of character action, should anyone get into your private messages harassing you, please report it immediately to the admins. Players who do this are Subject to a ban. 

If you choose to preform this roleplay and the player chooses to FTB the main action, you must respect this.

The actual occurrence of rape must occur in a parceled (bathhouse) or private area, you are also welcome to "ROLEPLAY it in IMS" and have that occur as an in character action, this must be agreed to by both parties and can not be be claimed OOC, the player has the right to say no and must clearly do so for a harassment claim to be enforced.

If you do decide to rape or sexually assault someone... good luck. 

All three are strictly forbidden on the SIM, See descriptions below, If you need more information please ask an admin!

META-GAMING: The act of a role player making use of knowledge that they have learned out of character (and which their character does not know) while they are in character; often considered a form of cheating.

POWER GAMING: A style where a player prioritizes their character’s power and success over collaborative storytelling and character development.

GOD-MODDING: is forcing reactions upon other characters. In laymen’s terms, saying what another players are doing. God-modding can also include having the ‘perfect’ character meaning you have no flaws, no weaknesses, and can never get hit during a fight. God modding is also the act of enforcing an action on another player without giving them a chance to react.

If you are on the main level of the sim you are In character and expected to act as such all times, some exceptions to these maybe Singers or DJ's brought in to cater to events, all citizens and other visitors are expected to continue in a roleplay fashion. 

Should you choose to remain unarmed in Blackwater, this does not mean you cannot be robbed, beaten or even shot and it certainly does not mean  you can lip off to people without worry, it simply means you can not defend yourself. If you are struck or injured in roleplay you are expected to play it out, non combatant does not exempt you from roleplay. 

In addition to this, Walking around committing acts of aggression such as but not limited too, Hostile actions towards players, Using of dynamite, Poisoning players etc, and then giving the excuse "I am unarmed therefore I can not be punished" or "I am a healer I can not commit false acts" does not fly in Blackwater, If you roleplay out a crime or act of aggression you will be subject to the consequence of that action. 

Wear the Wild West Meter (WWM) and HUD at all times, If you have questions with regard to how your HUD and meter function please ask.

Appropriate era clothing, no modern looking items. 

Those in charge of departments or businesses can hire and fire at there own discretion, we trust there judgment which is why we put them in said positions, If you are removed from a title then find a way in character to earn it back, unless you have a clear reason to believe this is for an OUT OF CHARACTER issue. 

8:) FEAR OF LIFE (See combat laws for additional information) 
You can die in Blackwater (This is not a god mod action) If you are in a situation that is life threatening and you choose a course of action that leads to a player role playing killing you, then you are dead for example, If I am being held up and I choose to refuse and return hostiles, the player can react according to there character which could lead to your death.

You will need to role play your death as per Blackwater rules. 

9:) FTB (FADE TO BLACK) often used in many roleplaying communities to skip over anything those involved in a scene do not, for whatever reason, wish to engage with or experience. IE you do not wish to engage in a rape scene but you want the event to have occurred, you would "fast forward" to the aftermath

Always remember: Your actions WILL have consequences!


All rules above are subject to the discretion of Moderators and Administrators present on a case by case basis. If a staff member believes you are violating the spirit of these laws, if not the letter, with the intent to harm or offend other roleplayers, or gain unfair advantage, disciplinary action may be meted out accordingly.


Beyond that, don't be a jerk OOC, know that if you're an asshole IC no one's gonna like ya. If that's your cup of tea though, go for it! The world takes all types. 

Mind the Ten Commandments and you'll be just fine. If ya don't, well the law be with ya shortly. 

Murder is a hanging offense. Harassment will get you 'talked to' by the Padre, you'll be seein' Jesus shortly. Jail sentences can be long, some of them 'years', you filthy criminals may need to be rescued by your compadres, note the whole bein' an asshole IC, you gotta make sure someone wants you out of jail. 

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