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Blackwater Combat Laws

In Blackwater we want players to have fun, but know it can be frustrating when players are constantly getting away with things due to masks, or preforming acts when no one else is on the sim, to combat this we have decided that masks will be recognized for two crimes per player only, after this the law will start finding clues, ways to describe you and bring you in, these ways will be monitored by a non law admin if you  have any complaints about it please contact an admin for final verdict. 

1: SIM RATIO AND WEAPON LIMITS (Only applies to WWM Combat Events) 
This sim follows the below ratio

Anyone that wears weapons are allowed a maximum of one (1) long rifle; two (2) handguns; and two (2) melee weapons.

*** Reloading in a holster will get you ejected from the combat and spoken too, three warnings and you are banned permanently

*** Speak to Harlan or Blade if you are uncertain about your weapon choice.***

Only WWDS and WWDS RC bullets can be used due to meter restrictions. No other bullet will be permitted here. 

Binding and searching must carry an emote weather it be a single emote or several spread out emotes, the emote must specify a binding and at least two forms of weapon removal. 

IE: Heads over to Harlan having downed him she pulls the cuffs from his belt using his own cuffs to secure both hands behind his back before removing his guns and any knives he carries as well as anything else that could be used to harm or escape from her justice. 

It is mandatory that bindings are accepted by the captive. (This must be role played.)  

Must be emoted by a player or after 15 minutes in binds the downed person can "struggle" from his binds and get free. This is promote a fairness so players are not tied up for long periods

Exemptions of this are hostile prisoners where the law role plays keeping binds on for there own safety or the safety of a treating physician. 

If you have been properly searched (and the captor can prove the roleplay) any lock picking or escape attempts will be ruled invalid, you CAN NOT use an NPC to assist in your escape, if you do not want to do the time, do not do the crime. 

4: ROLEPLAY VS METER COMBAT (In WWM Combat Events only)
Your roleplay actions will always over write any meter actions given, Your meter combat should simply supplement your roleplay, walking up and just attacking in a griefing manner will not be abided here. 

No shooting a man out of the blue, there has to be a reason, even if that is you're out of your mind or don't like lawmen, and you have to make a post, not just shoot a man in the back.


If you draw in a hold up or draw on a lawman, expect to be shot. If it's a fight between two folks for more personal reasons, I expect three lines of roleplay.


There needs only be three lines between the two MAIN participants in the case of an OK Corral sorta situation. Though snappy one liners are always welcome. 

IMPORTANT: The MAIN players in a scenario, the aggressor must write three lines to draw and shoot, the defender does not need too. 


Combat, Speed, Jumping, Aim bots...will all get you banned. 


Is restricted to blowing up doors, safes and buildings alone, if someone is in the building and gets injured that is permitted but simply dropping dynamite in a fight is not permitted. Think sensible here. 


There will be no tolerance for personal embarrassment, forced actions, or inhumane treatment of any kind against a person who is being held prisoner. This is roleplay, not a ticket to degrade anyone.

7a: Being beaten up or acts of physical violence within reason are permitted, this rule more pertains to someone using a players sexual preferences against them, extreme torture etc. Use common sense, when in doubt...go without...


When wounded, you must find a healer to roleplay medical care. The healer will set an amount of time (minimum of an hour to put it in the title of the meter) that you must recover before re-entering combat.  

If you work with a healer that doesn't give you a time - the default is one hour. 

(a) If you go AFK during healing, expect to wake up still injured, if not hurt worse.

(b) If you choose to let your character die of their wounds, they may come back 12 hours later as if the scene in question didn't happen to you. It happened to somebody else, and nobody remembers their name. This shouldn't be taken lightly as it in essence ends the storyline for that particular character and they cannot speak of it. Make sure it serves a purpose or don't do it.

It is not permitted for any Healer, or Player to Heal another injured player, OR repair any damaged Roleplay doors or damaged items during the course of conflict. ONLY when the incident that caused those injuries or damages has concluded may this occur.

Supplemental Healing or Damage Repairs during the course of active roleplay will be considered the same using OOC utilities meant for specific ROLEPLAY purposes to gain an unfair advantage in roleplay.
in other words...Don't heal someone to keep them from being defeated, and don't fix a door to keep it from falling either. That's cheatin'.


Clinic and Church


For lag purposes please use touch die fires or the "PFD Torchie". all buildings with the exception of the Court (this is so the town has a place to shelter in a mass event), anyone who causes property damage is subject to the charges of the laws discretion, break one window you may get charged for three... 


To kill under the fear of life rule the following must take place. 

- A player must have returned hostilities, not limited to but including - Verbal refusal to comply, drawing of weapons etc. 

- You must first down the player in combat against the meter, as per the above combat laws

- You must emote three death lines, these lines can say anything as long as they have the persons name and method of death for example: 

Line one: Having downed the Sheriff for refusing to stand down Isabelle is in a fit of rage drawing her gun to stand over him
Line two Isabelle stares down at the man aiming directly for his heart she fires a single round into his body watching the bullet pierce the flesh
Line Three: Isabelle moves the gun into a different position to aim between his eyes firing off a single round into Harlan's head ending his life.

- If you are shot or interrupted and do not complete the three lines the player has a chance of survival. 

- Players who murder another player are subject to investigation and possibly death as a consequence. 

- Players who murder another player must leave a way to continue the role play, we do not deal with masked men who can not be traced or players who do things with no witnesses, be smart in your roleplay and cover your tracks well if you do not intend to get caught. 


Yes, our admins know of this bug, and yes we know exactly what to look for when we are watching combat when it comes to folks using wire frame, You will immediately be ejected from any combat situation and prohibited from using any form of weaponry in Blackwater until you can do so without cheating. 

13:) HORSES 
Horses are only permitted for riding and general roleplay in Blackwater, We do not allow any form of combat from them at all. 

13.a) Running from a crime: 
If you commit a crime and go to flee on horseback the horse then you are liable to be shot while running, you can not return fire from the horse, TO FLEE YOUR HORSE MUST BE ATTACHED.

If you flee on a horse, you must already have it rezzed, if it is not rezzed already you must ROLEPLAY the arrival of your horse before being able to use it

13.b If you engage in any combat you must dismount before attacking. 

14:) If you choose to depart the sim after robbing committing your crime, you must post 1 leaving emote (shouted) you can pre write this if need be but it is so the law know your departure. 

14.b) Your departure must include the way and direction IE: Coach to Lost Mesa or train too... 

Should you commit a crime in Blackwater it is expected of you to complete the roleplay in a manner that is fair to all parties, suicide or dying to avoid your sentence is not permitted, You are expected to understand RL comes up and while you may not like to sit in a cell IC nothing is stopping you OOC from living your best SL life. 

People who commit suicide or die without a valid reason to to avoid crimes will not be permitted to hold any outlaw actions in Blackwater. 

15a) Death by being shot in combat leading up to your jailing or a pre arranged death obviously over rides this rules, as long as pre amble is indicated to where our doctors or some one can catch onto what is being done. 

Dying without no pre amble of a "undiagnosed" disease or "missed" injury, aka head wound etc, is not permitted if you fail to report the "disease or wound" in your first round of healing roleplay as then it does not exist. 

-- If you attacked between doctors visits that is fine, attacking can not be done by a NPC character. 



All rules above are subject to the discretion of Moderators and Administrators present on a case by case basis. If a staff member believes you are violating the spirit of these laws, if not the letter, with the intent to harm or offend other roleplayers, or gain unfair advantage, disciplinary action may be meted out accordingly.


Beyond that, don't be a jerk OOC, know that if you're an asshole IC no one's gonna like ya. If that's your cup of tea though, go for it! The world takes all types. 

Mind the Ten Commandments and you'll be just fine. If ya don't, well the law be with ya shortly. 

Murder is a hanging offense. Harassment will get you 'talked to' by the Padre, you'll be seein' Jesus shortly. Jail sentences can be long, some of them 'years', you filthy criminals may need to be rescued by your compadres, note the whole bein' an asshole IC, you gotta make sure someone wants you out of jail. 

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